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  • Mrs. Wells

Coping Skills

Coping skills are the strategies that an individual uses to work through stressful situations. A healthy coping skill is a positive activity that doesn't create further problems. As a school counselor, I am often encouraging students to find healthy coping skills and utilize them often. It is my goal that these activities eventually become their habits. Below is a list of healthy coping skills.

Here are some questions to assist you during a coping skills discussion with your child:

*Which of these coping skills have you tried before when you were stressed? How did you feel when using this coping skill?

*List five new coping skills that you're interested in trying?

*What are your favorite coping skills?

*What do you think makes a coping skill healthy? What might be an example of an unhealthy coping skill?

*What can I do to support you as you develop healthy habits?

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